Sunday, July 10, 2011

You Have The Right to Remain Silent.But Do You Have the Ability?


"He who angers you conquers you."
                                                                      -  Elizabeth Kenny
     How many times have you blown your top, having allowed your emotions to get the best of you? In all likelihood, probably more times than you can possibly remember. Did losing your temper make things better or make you feel better about
 yourself? Did giving someone else a piece of your mind really accomplish anything worthwhile? Of course not.

     Oh sure, you got if off of your chest, but that’s about the extent of it.

     Each time you lose your cool, you lose something much more important. By giving in to the heat of the moment, you lose your inner piece. Instead of being stronger than the moment, the moment becomes s tronger than you do. And it drags you down in the process
"When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count to one hundred."
                                                                                                           -  Thomas Jefferson
     Some people routinely lose their composure, quickly spouting things they shouldn't be saying, doing things they shouldn't be doing in the heat of the moment. The minute they get steamed or hot under the collar, they erupt like a volcano and spew venom in all directio
ns. Sometimes they feel badly about losing their and sometimes they don't. But one thing's for certain, NOBODY likes being around them when they let it rip.

     They get angry and they lose it. They lose their temper, they lose their poise and they lose their self control. And they lose the respect of those all around them as well.

     How about you? Are you the master of your emotions, particularly when the going gets exceptionally rough - or do your emotions regularly get the better of you? When you get frustrated, annoyed or aggravated, do you step back and remain cool, calm and collected, allowing things to chill a bit or do you just jump in and totally upset the apple cart?

How you handle yourself when things don't go your way speaks volumes about you.

                                                          "Calmness is power."
                                                                         -James Allen      Almost every one of us could use some work in the staying cool department. After all, there are some things that can really set us off. Set us off like a fire cracker. And there are some people who really get under our skin; completely, totally under our skin as a matter of fact. How we handle ourselves when we're fuming mad has a whole lot to do with the inner peace we've developed

     Some people possess a great deal of inner peace, some people don't. Some folks handle pressure; some people allow the pressure to handle them. Some people lose complete control over the smallest of problems, while others remain in control even when the heat reaches their boiling point. Regardless of where you stand when comes to keeping your cool, you can always get better.

      "You can handle a
nything.. Just keep your cool and your sense of humor."
                                                                                               - Smiley Blanton
     It's really a pretty simple equation: you either learn to control your emotions or they'll most certainly control
 you. Whenever and wherever you give in to your negative emotions, you lose control. No longer in charge of how you act or what you say, you actions almost always pave the pathway to self destruction and defeat.

     Out of control and off kilter, you are far from the best you can be. And you better believe that other people notice.

     On the other hand, by conditioning yourself to stay cool when things get hot, you remain unruffled when things are unraveling all around you. By keeping your emotions in check, you show that you are firmly in charge of everything you say, think or do. Your mood stays upbeat and optimistic; your attitude remains confident and strong. By taking care of the problems you
encounter rather than allowing them to take care of you, you keep moving forward towards the fulfillment of your dreams and aspirations.

     When things begin to fall apart, d

on't fall with them. And whenever things start going wrong, doesn’t go with them. Instead of blowing a cork, you need to simmer down and stay focused on getting things done and getting on down the road. Not only will you save yourself a ton of needless anger and frustration, your life will become healthier, happier and much more rewarding than you ever dreamed possible.

Don't get mad, get AHEAD.